Some countries require an Apostille Certificate to accompany the notarised documents before it will be accepted.
Once Iranian Notary Public has notarised your document, the document must be sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) so that they can issue an Apostille Certificate. All countries that are a party to the Hague Convention will recognise an Apostille Certificate. We can advise you in your initial consultation as to whether an Apostille certificate is required and whether the intended country is a party to the Hague Convention.
Iranian Notary Public is able to assist you in preparing a Notarial Certificate and obtaining an Apostille Certificate from DFAT. Please see our Fees and Charges for the fees in relation to obtaining the Certificate.
Suite 301, Level 3, 507 Kent St
Sydney, NSW, 2000
We are a short walk from Town Hall Station
Ph: (02) 9283 5290
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation